
Friday, November 26, 2010

Beautiful Freedom

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Make me a deliverer of your love in this broken land. Make me a vessel of praise and a conduit of your prophesy. Heal my woundedness so that I can bring your healing to the hurting. Remove the scar tissue and calouses from my heart so that it can pump with new life for you, because of you.

You have bought me for the highest imaginable price. You have valued me so much that you gladly paid the price for me and yet it is because you paid the price that I have value. I have no value on my own to anyone. I am significant because you died for me. Because you bought me I am free.

How's that for a mind twister, when you really think about it. Historically, when a person is purchased, they are owned by the purchaser. If they are owned, they are slaves required to do the master's bidding. How incredible that we were bought lock, stock and barrel and yet it is through the purchase that we are made free.  How like God to do the complete reverse of how the world does things. How tremendous to have such a redeemer that purchases his own to set them free. We have been bought to be His lover and friend and beautiful bride, not to be enslaved. 

God you are so good!

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