
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Baby Blanket

My niece had a beautiful baby girl in August. Seems like just yesterday she was 2 and my son was a baby and now she has her own wee one. Wow time flies.

Because I tend to be crafty and love making things for people I was inspired to make a blanket for this precious little one. Her mama's favorite color is green so I wanted to make sure that I incorporated that. Once I started shopping for fabric I ended up with 3 different blankets. I made one with a beautiful pale green cuddle satin backing and the front is pink, green and white chenille which is so, so soft. The second is pure white minkee back with green and white polka dot flannel. And then with the left-over I made a slightly smaller blanket with the chenille on one side and the minkee on the other. I wish I had such soft blankets for my son when he was that little.

Here are the instructions. So easy to do.

Cut the back 40 X 35 inches and the front 35 X 30 inches. Fold the edge of the back over 1/4 inch all the way around and press. Lay the front in the center of the back wrong sides together. I measured in from the edge 2 1/4 inches and made marks all the way around so that I could make sure the top ended up in the right place. I put a lot of pins in as the chenille was quite stretchy and I didn't want it to get puckered or out of shape as I sewed it.

I mitred my corners - it is easiest if you snip in from the outside corner to just before the top fabric corner, remove excess fabric and keep playing around with the fabric until it to looks right (I was so busy doing it that I forgot to take a picture of it). Then I just started at a corner and sewed to the next corner and then up the mitred edge as close to the edge of the fabric as I could. Then I sewed the next side until I was all the way around and voila.

The satin and chenille blanket is a wonderful light and soft blanket and the flannel minkee combination is so warm and cozy and fuzzy.

What mama wouldn't want such a wonderfully soft blankie to wrap their precious wee one in. My husband actually wants me to make a queen-sized one for our bed.

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